Today we're shining a light on an organization we're proud to partner with, The First Tee of the Triangle. They offer a lot to kids age five to 18 in our area.
I wanted to take a moment to tell you about one of the amazing organizations that we're proud to partner with—The First Tee of the Triangle. I'm joined by Lindsay Robertson of The First Tee to talk about their cause.
The First Tee is a youth development organization that teaches life skills, character education, and healthy habits to kids ages five to 18 years old here in the Triangle Area. The First Tee aims to use golf to integrate core values and life skills into their programs, as Lindsey says. They create a fun environment for kids to learn not only how to become better golfers, but better people as well.
The First Tee aims to make better people through the game of golf.
In fact, 84% of participants say that they do better in school because of The First Tee and their involvement. Lindsey says that they've served more than 1,200 kids this year, 62% of which were provided with a full or partial scholarship thanks to help from the community. They're always looking for people to get more involved, whether that's as a volunteer, a sponsor, or as a scholarship provider for a kid who wouldn't otherwise have a chance to participate in the program.
If you're interested in learning more, you can visit their website.
If you have any questions for me, you can always reach me by phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you!